A documentary chronicling the response of five rural Wisconsin food pantries to the unprecedented needs of their communities during the coronavirus pandemic. This film, directed by Jim Winship and co-produced by Jim Winship and Parker Winship, tells the story of the hard work, ingenuity, and compassion of these organizations while also exploring the complex and longstanding challenges of fighting hunger in rural America. What We're Hungry For has been an Official Selection at seven film festivals, including Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival, Milwaukee Film Festival, and Ceres Food Film Festival, where it was honored with the "MOVED US MOST Award."
Community Screenings
The documentary has been shown in ten community showings throughout Wisconsin. Each screening was followed by a discussion, led by representatives of local food pantries and advocacy organizations, concerning hunger and food insecurity in the community and strategies to mitigate these issues.
Now Available Online
What We're Hungry For is now available at (password: wwhf). If you would like to host your own community screening, contact Jim Winship at [email protected].
Directed by Jim Winship. Written and Produced by Jim Winship and Parker Winship. Featuring: Marty Lee (Waushara County Food Pantry), Marlon Skenandore (Oneida Emergency Food Pantry), Sharon Pomaville (The Sharing Center), Patrick Boyle (Sheboygan County Food Bank), Liz Seefeldt (BRICK Ministries), Judi Bartfeld (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Rebecca de Souza (Author, Feeding the Other), Andy Fisher (Author, Big Hunger), and Roger Thurow (Author, The First Thousand Days). Photography & Editing by Parker Winship. Music by Jeff Herriott.
A documentary chronicling the response of five rural Wisconsin food pantries to the unprecedented needs of their communities during the coronavirus pandemic. This film, directed by Jim Winship and co-produced by Jim Winship and Parker Winship, tells the story of the hard work, ingenuity, and compassion of these organizations while also exploring the complex and longstanding challenges of fighting hunger in rural America. What We're Hungry For has been an Official Selection at seven film festivals, including Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival, Milwaukee Film Festival, and Ceres Food Film Festival, where it was honored with the "MOVED US MOST Award."
Community Screenings
The documentary has been shown in ten community showings throughout Wisconsin. Each screening was followed by a discussion, led by representatives of local food pantries and advocacy organizations, concerning hunger and food insecurity in the community and strategies to mitigate these issues.
Now Available Online
What We're Hungry For is now available at (password: wwhf). If you would like to host your own community screening, contact Jim Winship at [email protected].
Directed by Jim Winship. Written and Produced by Jim Winship and Parker Winship. Featuring: Marty Lee (Waushara County Food Pantry), Marlon Skenandore (Oneida Emergency Food Pantry), Sharon Pomaville (The Sharing Center), Patrick Boyle (Sheboygan County Food Bank), Liz Seefeldt (BRICK Ministries), Judi Bartfeld (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Rebecca de Souza (Author, Feeding the Other), Andy Fisher (Author, Big Hunger), and Roger Thurow (Author, The First Thousand Days). Photography & Editing by Parker Winship. Music by Jeff Herriott.